Friday, December 20, 2019


More questions than answers --

but how does transformation feel?

A soul swept overboard 

on the swift 

tide of transformation?

Please, listen,

we're moving now, fast

into liminal space.

The Earth herself is 

changing us, 

challenging us 

to move into the liminal space.

Polarities shift, temperature 

differentials unstable,

unstoppable, unpredictable 

here in this place 

-- just this --

and only questions.

Can this ever be enough?

Come with me 

now we'll cross this 

dark water together 

bearing all of our questions 

and keeping them 

near to our hearts.

See, the natural structures 

that have sustained us

for as long as 

collective memory, 

the vital, generous 

endowments our 

blue and pelagic Earth 

Mother has offered of herself,

so selfishly squandered 

by us at such great cost 

to her children

-- and even to our own -- 

now they are giving way, 

crumbling under the dead 

weight, the dreadful 

burden, the technological 

appetite for insatiable 

growth unstoppable 

growth at any cost.

Please, don't 

turn away now.

I ask you, what is this 

lie called Progress?

We, who have mistaken 

technology for progress, 

who have swindled 

our own children, and 

bloated ourselves on trifles, 

who have knocked 

our own dear, 

sweet Mother 

to the floor.

This is what we call Progress?

We who dream our dreams 

of acquisition, power, esteem

-- and death --

now there are only questions

a steady stream of questions.

But how does it feel?

Ask yourself, 

what do we want to build now? 

Do we want to build 

walls? or bridges?

Which would you prefer?

Is a new reign of 

understanding possible?

-- I'm talking unity consciousness now --

crashing through barriers,

sweeping away uncountable wrongs, 

injuries the human heart 

confines, can we ever 

allow that to 

just fall away?

I ask you -- fierce 

and daring grace -- 

this is possible?

I have to believe it is.

Uncertainty, fear, 

material Progress -- 

an evolutionary 

dead end.

What's needed now is 

progressive consciousness;

human ingenuity applied 

to the project of consciousness.

What? How? I have 

no answers for you.

Only more questions --

more questions than answers.

Only questions now

-- together 

we'll shoulder this load.

